Yuan Chang Leong
Assistant Professor and Lab Director
Yuan Chang (YC) Leong is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Chicago. Before coming to Chicago, he received his Ph.D. from Stanford University and postdoctoral training at the UC Berkeley. He received his AB in Psychology from Princeton University. Yuan Chang’s research examines how our goals, desires, and needs shape how we perceive and respond to the physical and social world.
Jadyn Park
PhD Student
Jadyn is a doctoral student in the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience program. She graduated from Washington University in St. Louis with a B.A. in Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology in 2020. Following graduation, she worked as a full-time research assistant at Northwestern University, where she studied executive functioning in individuals with psychosis-risk and internalizing disorders. Jadyn is broadly interested in the neural mechanisms of cognitive control and decision-making, and how they interact with affect and motivation.
Ren Calabro
PhD Student
Ren is a doctoral student in the Computational Cognitive Neuroscience program. Ren earned a B.S. in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science from the University of Arizona in 2021 and worked as the CASNL lab manager from 2021-2023. Broadly, Ren is interested in building computational models to better understand how people reason about and interact with their environments, including how their intuitive physical judgments are influenced by eye-gaze patterns, motivational biases, and ambiguity.
Nakwon Rim
PhD Student (w/ Environmental Neuroscience Lab, Knowledge Lab)
Nakwon is a doctoral student in the Integrative Neuroscience program. He received his M.A. in Computational Social Science at the University of Chicago, and B.A. in Psychology and B.S. in Brain Cognitive Science from Korea University. He is broadly interested in how people compress information about the world, how this information compression shapes our cognitive processes, and how people deliver compressed information to others.
Shan Gao
PhD Student (w/ Cognition, Attention and Brain Lab)
Shan is a doctoral student in the Cognition program. She received her B.Phil. in Philosophy from Fudan University in Shanghai, China, where she found her passion in the empirical inquiry of cognitive science. Before UChicago, she studied the interactions between language, culture, and cognition mainly through behavioral measures as a Post-Bacc student and research assistant at Berkeley. Shan is broadly interested in the universals and variations of cognition across contexts, such as affect, language, and culture.
Alicia Liu
MAPSS Student
Alicia is an MA student in the MAPSS-Psychology Program. She completed a B.S. in Computer Science with a specialization in machine learning and a B.A. in Philosophy from UChicago. Her research currently centers on computational mechanisms of perception and memory. In her free time, Alicia enjoys reading, watching nature documentaries, and spending time with her cat, Dale.
Jiajie Chen
MAPSS Student
Jiajie is an MA student from the MA Program in the Social Sciences (MAPSS) (psychology track). He received his B.S. in Psychology from East China Normal University in Shanghai, China. His research interests lie in the mechanisms by which social emotions and morality emerge and shape individuals’ understanding of social contexts, as well as the formation and evolution of social relationships within real social networks. Outside of academia, he enjoys playing video games, singing, and reading.
Kannon Bhattacharyya
Undergraduate Student
Kannon is an undergraduate at the University of Chicago majoring in Cognitive Science and Music. He is interested computationally modeling the ways in which neurological processes interact with each other. He is also studying the effect that music has on the brain. Outside of the lab, Kannon enjoys ballroom and latin dance, music composition, and rock climbing.
Ryleigh Nash
Undergraduate Student
Ryleigh is currently undergraduate at the University of Chicago majoring in Psychology, with a minor in Chemistry. She is interested in looking into the effects of social determinants on an individual’s brain, hopefully using brain-imaging techniques such as fNIRS and fMRI to do so. She has a primary interest on how race and ethnicity can affect a person’s perception or biases. Outside of lab, Ryleigh enjoys hanging with her friends, building Legos, or going on adventure runs around Chicago.
Rulan Zhang
Undergraduate Student
Rulan is an undergraduate at the University of Chicago, majoring in Neuroscience and Political Science. She is interested in the neural correlates of political polarization and, more broadly, in leveraging computational tools within psychological, policy, and political contexts. In her free time, Rulan enjoys playing the piano and working out with friends.
Lab Affiliates
Hannah Kim
Postdoctoral Researcher
Hannah Kim is a postdoc in the Bakkour Memory and Decision Lab. Her research focuses on how past experience influences cognitive processes like attention, decision making and response selection, with a particular focus on aversive learning.
Lab Affiliates
Hayoung Song Immediate position: Postdoctoral Scholar at Washington University at St. Louis
MA Students
Jin Ke Immediate position: Lab Manager at the University of Chicago, Current Position: PhD Student at Yale University
Gao Shan Immediate position: PhD Student at the University of Chicago
Zishan Su Immediate position: Full-time Research Associate at Dartmouth College
Zihan Bai Immediate position: Lab Manager at Yale University
Zhimei Niu Immediate position: Lab Manager at UT Austin, Current Position: Customer Success Associate at MoeGo
Emily Russell Immediate position: Lab Manager at Boston University
Undergraduate Students
Louisa Lyu Immediate Position: PhD Student at UCLA
Su Karaca Immediate Position: Research Assistant at Stanford University
Meriel Doyle Immediate Position: Lab Manager at Brown University
Grace Gautier Immediate Position: MA Student at Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy, and Practice